My Profile

My Profile

You have the ability to update your profile information through the My Profile page. On this page you can change your username (email address), password, security question and answer and your contact information by selecting the links on the page.

The My Profile page is found by by clicking My Profile in the top navigation menu at the top. The Profile page automatically displays.

Change Password

Periodically, you are required to change your password for security purposes. Go to your My Profile page and click the Password tab. Enter your email address, your old (current) password, your new password, and the new password again for confirmation in the corresponding fields. Click Update Password.

Change Security Question

If at any time you need to update your Security Question or Security Answer, go to your My Profile and click the Security Question tab. Select the security question you are updating from the drop-down list. Enter the new Security Answer and confirm it in the corresponding fields, then click Update Security Question.